How to Money

Financial wisdom in Islam: Spending, saving & investing

Financial wisdom in Islam: Spending, saving & investing

Watch now to empower your financial journey with Islamic values

Investing fears holding you back and what to do about them

Investing fears holding you back and what to do about them

Inflation is eating away at your earnings, and the best way to fight back is by making smart investment decisions

Chips, credit cards, & more — the most common mistakes that destroy finances

Chips, credit cards, & more — the most common mistakes that destroy finances

Learn how to make money-savvy decisions

What does it take to become a millionaire?

What does it take to become a millionaire?

A survey of hundreds of U.S. millionaires found that 80% of them were "first-generation" rich

How money knowledge from childhood may be holding you back

How money knowledge from childhood may be holding you back

Yes, you can metaphorically grow money on trees

How to Money: New Year's money resolutions — how to start off the right way

How to Money: New Year's money resolutions — how to start off the right way

Learn one of the most powerful concepts in investing i.e. compounding

How to Money: What financial advice does Dino have?

How to Money: What financial advice does Dino have?

How old were you when you got your first paycheck, and what did you do with it?

“I gave half to my mother and spent the rest,” Dino shares with Nukta Presenter Shuja Qureshi.

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How to Money: The very simple formula that can help you grow your wealth

How to Money: The very simple formula that can help you grow your wealth

Nukta Presenter Shuja Qureshi asks the audience the tough questions they might not want to, but need to answer

How to Money: Mutual funds 101 — The beginner's guide to investing

How to Money: Mutual funds 101 — The beginner's guide to investing

Whether you're a complete beginner or just looking to strengthen your financial knowledge, this episode covers all the essentials

Done with budgeting? Here are the basics of investing

Done with budgeting? Here are the basics of investing

Watch for a breakdown of the different asset classes you can invest in and how to stop your money from losing its value

How to Money: What's the way to fight inflation?

How to Money: What's the way to fight inflation?

While you can cut your expenses to manage when inflation is high, it helps only up to a point

How To Money with Shuja Qureshi Episode 1

How To Money with Shuja Qureshi Episode 1

In the inaugural episode, Shuja starts with the basics