Beauty & Wellness

Miss America, Miss World pageants accused of discrimination
Beauty & Wellness

Miss America, Miss World pageants accused of discrimination

Danielle Hazel, 25, claims that the pageant organizers disqualified her recently for being a mother

Skin deep: the toll acne takes
Beauty & Wellness

Skin deep: the toll acne takes

Acne impacts 9.4% of the world's population, and its effects reach far beyond the surface

Three ways to manage surging pet care costs
Beauty & Wellness

Three ways to manage surging pet care costs

NEW YORK, Sept 6 (Reuters) - Joy Benson may have a career as an executive personal assistant in Dallas, but her real boss is short of stature, very hairy, and enjoys chewing on tennis balls. His name is Jasper, and he is a Shih Tzu. While 11-year-old Jasper is certainly the apple of Benson’s eye, the cost of keeping him healthy is going up and up.

There are regular dental cleanings because of gingivitis: the last two of which cost more than $1,000 because of tooth extractions. There are regular grooming sessions -- prices rose from $60 a pop to close to $100 every time. Then there was surgery for bladder stones ($1,500), which led to the need for pricey prescription food. After Benson was laid off, she turned to GoFundMe to help pay Jasper’s bills.

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Curly hair, don't care!
Beauty & Wellness

Curly hair, don't care!

The great thing about living in 2024 is that we have access to the hair and beauty products we need, and some of them are even locally made!

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Looking for the latest makeup trends? Discover these Dubai-based beauty influencers

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Rare Kidney Risk Linked to Hair Straightening: UAE Doctors Issue Warning

Symptoms like weakness, joint pains, skin rash, and decreased urine output should be addressed promptly and thoroughly investigated.