Zain Ul Abideen

Why does organ donation remain a taboo in Pakistan

Why does organ donation remain a taboo in Pakistan

PM Shehbaz's organ donation initiative marks progress, but Pakistan still faces major hurdles in achieving widespread success

Why are Lakki Marwat policemen protesting?

Why are Lakki Marwat policemen protesting?

Police in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa protest attacks, blocking Indus Highway to demand military exit and civilian control

The futility of political violence

The futility of political violence

Pakistan's cycle of tit-for-tat suppression only deepens divisions and weakens its democratic institutions

Why Gandapur’s remarks against women and journalists are NOT okay
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Why Gandapur’s remarks against women and journalists are NOT okay

At PTI’s much-hyped power show, firebrand leader not only targeted women but also accused journalists of being 'sellouts and brokers'

Why Imran’s military trial is a bad idea
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Why Imran’s military trial is a bad idea

Political unrest tied to ex-PM's legal battles may destabilize Pakistan's economy, deterring investments

Why just counterinsurgency won't work in Balochistan
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Why just counterinsurgency won't work in Balochistan

Pakistan Army's spokesperson says recent attacks are an external conspiracy. Nationalist leaders, analysts agree dialogue only path forward, disagree on whom to engage